- 18 March 2025:
Stian Lybech will defend his PhD thesis A
type-theoretic approach to smart contract safety on 23 May
2025 at 13:00 in room M216. Supervisors: Luca Aceto, Mohammad
Hamdaqa (Polytechnique Montréal), Daniele Gorla (Sapienza U. of
Rome). Examiners: Laura Bocchi (U. of Kent), Maurizio Murgia (Gran
Sasso Science Inst.). Committee: Ettore Merlo (Polytechnique
Montréal), Silvia Crafa (U. of Padova).
- 14 March 2025:
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ICE-TCS, the RU
communications and marketing department published an
interview with Magnús Már
Halldórsson. Read
the article!
- 10 March 2025:
On 8 March Joseph
Tooby-Smith presented
his PhysLean digital physics
effort in the podcast of
the Assumptions of
Physics project of Gabriele Carcassi (U. of Michigan). Enjoy
the recording!
- 6 March 2025:
During his upcoming visit to
RU, Pierre-Louis Curien
(IRIF, U. Paris Cité) will deliver two talks. The first talk will
be on 14 March at RU in the ICE-TCS seminar series, the second on
20 March at U. of Iceland in their mathematical colloquium (see
- 28 February 2025:
The Iceproof
project will hold a 3-day seminar in Reykholt 23-25 April 2025.
- 24 February 2025:
On 3 March at 11:30 in room M120, the investigative journalist
Thin Lei Win will give a talk about the non-profit storytelling
Kite Tales, which she
co-founded, that chronicles the lives of people in
Burma/Myanmar. See also her
blog Thin Ink on food
- 21 February 2025:
ICE-TCS will turn 20 on 29 April 2025. In this connection, we will
organize the next edition of the ICE-TCS Theory Day.
Stay tuned for closer information soon.
- 19 February 2025:
Henning Úlfarsson is organizing the 15th installment of NORCOM,
the Nordic Combinatorial
Conference. NORCOM '25
will take place in Reykjavik, 16-18 June 2025. The call for papers
is now out. The deadline for proposing talks is 10 March 2025.
- 7 February 2025:
The 2025 allocation of the RU Research Fund was announced today.
Jasmine Xuereb continues to receive a PhD grant. All applications for
new PhD grants from ICE-TCS were rejected.
The CS department on the whole got 4 new applications accepted and
one continuation.
- 27 January 2025:
The 2024 annual report of
ICE-TCS is out.
- 25 January 2025:
Registration to the 27th
Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS 2025, to be
held at Viinistu, 3-6 March 2025, is
open. Tarmo Uustalu is the
main organizer and the lecturers
include Anders Claesson from the
University of Iceland. Registration deadline: 12 February 2025.
- 17 January 2025:
Magnús Már Halldórsson is seeking candidates for a PhD student
position in his project on comparative complexity via
coloring. Apply by 5 February.
- 16 January 2025:
Pierre-Louis Curien,
emeritus research director of CNRS at IRIF, Université Paris Cité,
recipient of
the INRIA-French
Academy of Sciences grand prize 2020, will visit us 12-30
March 2025. Host: Tarmo Uustalu.
- 16 January 2025:
Rannís has announced
the 2025
allocation of new grants from the Icelandic Research
These 3 grant proposals from ICE-TCS were awarded funding:
- Magnús Már Halldórsson, Comparative complexity via coloring, project grant
- Reed Acton, Moving from objects to transformations to account for the finer structures of permutations, PhD student grant
- Vasiliki Kyriakou, Effects of restrictive non-determinism on the expressiveness and relative complexity of bounded memory automata, PhD student grant
The other grant proposals from the lab were rejected.
The CS department on the whole won 4 new grants
and RU on the whole 11 new grants.
- 5 January 2025:
The call for papers
2025, to take place in Reykjavik in autumn, is out. Submission
deadlines 9 May (abstracts), 14 May (papers). The PC is co-chaired
by Gian Luca
Pozzato and Tarmo
Uustalu. The conference is organized by Tarmo Uustalu.
- 4 January 2025:
The RU Department of Computer Science is soliciting applications
for permanent faculty positions. Theoretical computer science is
one of the domains explicitly listed. See
the announcement. Apply
by 30 January 2025.
- 11 December 2024:
postdoc Joseph
Tooby-Smith has been offered a lecturer position at the CS
department of the University of Bath from autumn 2024.
- 1 October 2024:
Nicolaos Matsakis
and Joseph Tooby-Smith
are starting as new postdocs at the lab today. Nicolaos comes from
the Charles University, Prague. Joseph comes from Cornell
Dylan McDermott has left us after
an almost 5-year postdoctoral fellowship to take up a senior
research associate position at the University of Oxford.
- 18 September 2024:
Duncan Attard with colleagues has won
the AITO distinguished artifact award
of ECOOP 2024 (Vienna, 16-20
September 2024) for the
accompanying their paper Runtime instrumentation for reactive
- 22 August 2024:
The Iceproof
project will hold a 3-day seminar in Bifröst 3-5
September. Thorsten
Altenkirch (University of Nottingham), Christian Bean (Keele
University) and Giulio Fellin
(University of Brescia) will attend as guests.
- 28 June 2024:
Today is the last workday at RU of our
postdoc Jana
Wagemaker. She will be an assistant professor position at
Radboud University, Nijmegen.
- 29 May 2024:
Final joint call for participation: Sign up for
NLS/SLSS/GandALF 2024, to
take place at RU 10-21 June, organized by Antonis Achilleos and
Lecturers of NLS: Miika Hannula, Sandra Kiefer, Greg Restall,
Jandson Ribeiro, Rineke Verbrugge.
Invited speakers of SLSS: Fausto Barbero, Sara Negri, Aybüke Özgün.
Invited speakers of GandALF: Bernd Finkbeiner, Kim Guldstrand
Larsen, Brigitte Pientka, Azalea Raad.
- 28 May 2024:
Tarmo Uustalu together
with Gian Luca
Pozzato (University of Torino) will chair the programme
committee of TABLEAUX 2025, to be held in Reykjavik in September
16 May 2024:
Calvin Lee will defend his 60 ECTS MSc thesis Interactions of
(co)monads in Agda on 30 May at 14:00 in room M101.
Supervisor: Tarmo Uustalu. Committee
members: Exequiel
Rivas (Tallinn University of
Technology), Thorsten
Altenkirch (University of Nottingham), Jana
Wagemaker. Details here.
10 May 2024:
The steering committees of the
TABLEAUX conference
series have accepted the bid
by Tarmo Uustalu to host
these conferences in Reykjavik in September 2025.
12 April 2024:
We have finally regained access to the data of our old
The new website of ICE-TCS opened
today. We will incrementally bring the data from our old website
online here.
8 April 2024:
The work of Calvin Lee
2024 artifact evaluation has been recognized by the committee
co-chairs with a distinguished artifact reviewer
Congratulations, Calvin!
6 April 2024:
The 107
pp. (!) version
of record of Nathanael Arkor
and Dylan McDermott's study of
the foundational theory of relative monads appeared in J. Pure
Appl. Algebra today.
21 March 2024:
Tarmo Uustalu will be one of the two invited speakers of
the Structure
Meets Power 2024 workshop
of LICS '24. The
workshop will be held in Tallinn on 7 July 2024.
20 March 2024:
We welcome Szabolcs Horvát as
an (adjoint) member of ICE-TCS. Szabolcs is a member of the CRESS
research center, but his interests and work significantly overlap
with ours.
16 March 2024:
Tarmo Uustalu is seeking
candidates for two 1-year postdoc positions. One is in the
Icelandic Research Fund
project Computational
effects and high-level control (CTRL-F). The other is in
the Collaboration Fund project Icelandic advantage in
computer-assisted proof. Apply by 31 March.
13 March 2024:
Magnús Már Halldórsson is seeking candidates for a 1-year postdoc
position in his project on randomized distributed graph coloring
algorithms. Apply by 30 March.
5 March 2024:
The joint call for participation
in NLS 2024 and
abstracts for SLSS
2024 is out, as is the call for papers
for GandALF 2024.
Organizer: Antonis
Do sign up and submit contributions, do visit us
in Reykjavik this June!
4 March 2024:
The Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science 2024 has begun. The ICE-TCS delegation
consists of Calvin, Szabolcs, Vasiliki, Tarmo and Yasuaki.
12 February 2024:
Struth from the University of Sheffield will visit us 17-24
March. Hosts: Tarmo
Uustalu and Jana
8 February 2024:
The RU Research Fund board have decided to give a PhD grant to
Vasiliki Kyriakou. Vasiliki is supervised
by Antonis
Achilleos and
Lehtinen (LIS, Aix-Marseille University).
The fund will also continue supporting the PhD study of Yasuaki
Morita, supervised by Tarmo
Uustalu, and Jasmine Xuereb, supervised
by Adrian Francalanza
(University of Malta) and Antonis Achilleos.
2 February 2024:
Reykjavik University fell victim to a major cyber attack. The
ICE-TCS website at is no longer accessible.
30 January 2024:
Dylan McDermott has been invited
to serve on the PC of FoSSaCS 2025.
30 January 2024:
The results of the Collaboration Fund call for new projects in
2024 were announced today (see
the list
of grants awarded and video of the event).
22 January 2024:
The public announcement of the results of the Collaboration Fund
call, originally scheduled for 16 January, was postponed because
of the volcanic eruption. The new date is 30 January.
21 January 2024:
Szabolcs Horvát will teach a
course on the random graph model at
the 26th Estonian Winter
School in Computer Science at Viinistu, 4-7 March 2024. Tarmo
Uustalu is the organizer. To attend, apply by 19 February.
12 January 2024:
Tarmo Uustalu together
with Anders Claesson from the
University of Iceland has won a Collaboration Fund grant for the
project Icelandic advantage in computer-assisted proof
(Iceproof). The award amount for the 2-year project is 51.84
The higher education minister will publicly announce the results
of the call for proposals for new projects in 2024 at an event in
Gróska on 16 January.
12 January 2024:
The results of the Icelandic Research Fund call for proposals for
new projects in 2024 were publicly announced today; see
the list
of grants awarded. All proposals from ICE-TCS were rejected
this time. The CS department of RU won one PhD grant.
8 January 2024:
Eva Ósk Gunnarsdóttir will defend her 60 ECTS MSc
thesis Applying binary decision diagrams to learn hidden Markov
models on 18 January at 12:00 in room V103.
Supervisor: Anna
Ingólfsdóttir. Committee members: Giovanni
Bacci (Aalborg University), Luca Aceto. Details here.
21 December 2023:
Tarmo Uustalu together with Amirouche Moktefi
and Niccolò Veltri
is organizing a World
Logic Day 2024 celebration in Tallinn.
The 2024 Logic in Estonia
workshop will be held in the Estonian Academy of Sciences,
Tallinn, on 15 January 2024. The invited speakers
are Valentin
Goranko (Stockholm
University), Margus
Veanes (Microsoft Research) and Jan von Plato (University of
6 December 2023:
Egill Torfason will defend his 30 ECTS MSc thesis Noise
resilience of proofs of quantumness on 7 December at 14:30 in
room M120.
Supervisors: Magnús Már
Halldórsson, Alexandru
Georghiu (Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg). Examiner: Giulia Ferrini (Chalmers University of
Technology). Details here.
8 November 2023:
Raphaël Reynouard will
defend his PhD thesis On learning stochastic models: from
theory to practice on 14 November at 10:00 CET (9:00 GMT) in
Sala Consiliare of GSSI, L'Aquila. A Zoom live stream from the
defense can be followed in room M123 of RU.
Supervisors: Anna
Ingólfdóttir, Giovanni
Bacci (University of
Aalborg). Examiners: Nils
Jansen (Ruhr-University Bochum and Radboud
University), Catia
Trubiani (GSSI). Committee: Luca
Aceto. Details here.
21 August 2023:
Vasiliki Kyriakou is joining us as a new PhD student from this
academic year, supervised by Antonis Achilleos
and Karoliina
Lehtinen (LIS, Aix-Marseille University).
Calvin Lee is joining as a new MSc student, supervised by Tarmo
13 July 2023:
Peter Dybjer
from Chalmers University of Technology will visit us from 27
August to 2 September. Host: Tarmo Uustalu.
7 June 2023:
postdoc Valentina
Castiglioni has accepted an assistant professorship offer from TU
Eindhoven and will begin there on 1 October.
Valentina started at RU on 15 May 2019 as a postdoc in Luca and
Anna's IRF research project OPEL. In
January 2022, she won an IRF grant for her own postdoc project
31 May 2023:
From 1 July 2023, Henning Úlfarsson will be the chair of the CS
department of RU.
Henning will pick up the baton from Luca Aceto, who has been
serving the department in this role from 1 March 2019.
30 May 2023:
Achilleos will bring three logic events to Reykjavik next
June: GandALF, the Scandinavian Logic Symposium and the Nordic
Logic Summer School.
The PC of GandALF will be co-chaired by Antonis and our
collaborator Adrian
Francalanza from U. of Malta.
8 May 2023:
On 23 May, we are organizing an informal one-day
workshop on formal
methods in security at RU. Experts from some of the most
active research groups in Denmark, Norway and Sweden will
Register by 17 May.
5 May 2023:
Breuvart [DBLP]
from LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, will visit us from 23
August to 4 October. Hosts: Tarmo Uustalu and Dylan McDermott.
19 April 2023:
Henning Úlfarsson has been promoted to associate professor.
Congratulations, Henning!
18 April 2023:
Duncan Attard defended
his PhD thesis Runtime monitoring for asynchronous reactive
components for a University of Malta and RU joint degree in
Malta today.
Supervisors: Adrian
Francalanza (University of Malta), Luca Aceto, Anna
27 March 2023:
On 19 May, we
welcome Marta
from the University of Oxford for a public talk at RU.
This talk is to celebrate 18 years of ICE-TCS, 25 years of
computer science at RU and 25 years of RU. It is part of the
Valkyrja distinguished lecture series.
Marta's talk, entitled Safety and robustness for deep learning
with provable guarantees, will take place at 14:00 in room
V102. Details here.
- 7 February 2023:
Thin Lei Win, an award-winning multimedia journalist specializing
in food and climate issues, will give a public talk Rebooting
our food systems on 14 February at 12:00 in room
M103. Details here.
Last update 23 March 2025