Techniques and Tools for the Analysis of Timed Workflows Jiri Srba Aalborg University Analysis of workflow processes with quantitative aspects like timing is of interest in numerous time-critical applications. In this talk, I will suggest a workflow model based on timed-arc Petri nets and study the foundational problems of soundness and strong (time-bounded) soundness. We will explore the decidability of these problems and show, among others, that soundness is decidable for monotonic workflow nets while reachability is undecidable. For general timed-arc workflow nets soundness and strong soundness become undecidable, though we can design efficient verification algorithms for the practically interesting subclass of bounded nets. Finally, I demonstrate the usability of the theory on a few case studies of a Brake System Control Unit used in aircraft certification, the MPEG2 encoding algorithm, a blood transfusion workflow and a home automation system for a family house. The implementation of the algorithms is freely available as a part of the model checker TAPAAL (