Completed projects
Here are our past projects.
Luca Aceto, The equational logic of parallel processes, IRF
project grant, 2006-2008
Luca Aceto, New developments in operational semantics, IRF
project grant, 2008-2010
Luca Aceto, Meta-theory of algebraic process theories, IRF
project grant, 2010-2012
Luca Aceto, Nominal structural operational semantics, IRF project
grant, 2014-2016
Luca Aceto, Theoretical foundations for monitorability
(TheoFoMon), IRF project grant, 2016-2018
project page
Luca Aceto, Open problems in the equational logic of processes
(OPEL), IRF project grant, 2019-2021
project page
Antonis Achilleos, Epistemic logic for distributed monitoring,
IRF postdoctoral grant, 2018-2019
Elli Anastasiadi, Runtime and equational verification of
concurrent programs, RU Research Fund PhD student grant, 2022
Duncan Paul Attard, Ensuring correctness in distributed systems,
RU Research Fund PhD student grant, 2019-2020
Duncan Paul Attard, Ensuring correctness in distributed systems,
IRF doctoral student grant, 2020-2021
Duncan Paul Attard, Ensuring correctness in distributed systems,
RU Research Fund Covid-19 grant, 2022
Christian Bean, Combinatorial exploration and permutation
classes, IRF postdoctoral grant, 2020-2022
Arnar Birgisson, Compositionality for logics of security,
Icelandic Research Fund for Graduate Students study grant, 2008
Ian Cassar, Developing theoretical foundations for runtime
enforcement, IRF doctoral student grant, 2018-2019
Valentina Castiglioni, Programs in the wild: uncertainties,
adaptability and verification (ULTRON), IRF postdoctoral grant,
project page
Dario Della Monica, Decidability and expressiveness of interval
temporal logics, IRF postdoctoral grant, 2013-2014
Eugen Ioan Goriac, Extending and axiomatizing structural
operational semantics: theory and tools, Icelandic Research
Fund for Graduate Students study grant, 2011
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Hypergraph coloring,
IRF project grant, 2005-2006
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Scheduling split intervals,
IRF project grant, 2006-2007
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Parameterized algorithms in
hypergraphs, IRF project grant, 2007-2008
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Algorithms for ad-hoc and sensor
networks, IRF project grant, 2009-2011
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Design of ad-hoc wireless networks,
IRF grant of excellence, 2012-2014
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Models of unreliability and dynamics in
wireless networks, IRF project grant, 2015-2017
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Post-modern models of wireless
algorithms, IRF project grant, 2017-2019
Anna Ingólfsdóttir, Processes and modal logics (PROMOLO),
IRF project grant, 2010-2012
Anna Ingólfsdóttir, Learning and applying probabilistic
systems, IRF project grant, 2020-2022
Ali Jafari, Timed asynchronous reactive objects in distributed
systems, Icelandic Research Fund for Graduate Students study grant,
Kristján Valur Jónsson, Scalable, distributed security policy
enforcement for Web applications, Icelandic Research Fund for
Graduate Students study grant, 2008
Vasiliki Kyriakou, Explorability: effects of constraining
nondeterminism on expressivity and algorithms, RU Research
Fund PhD student grant, 2024
Yasuaki Morita, Multi-language semantics for Wasm, RU
Research Fund PhD student grant, 2023-2024
Émile Nadeau, Extending the Combex framework,
RU Research Fund PhD student grant, 2021
Émile Nadeau, Extending the Combex framework,
RU Research Fund Covid-19 grant, 2022
Marjan Sirjani, Timed asynchronous reactive objects in distributed
systems (TARO), IRF project grant, 2011-2013
Marjan Sirjani, SEADA-Pilot, IRF project grant, 2016-2018
Einar Steingrímsson, Permutation patterns,
IRF grant of excellence, 2006-2008
Einar Steingrímsson, Permutations, patterns and algebras,
IRF project grant, 2008-2010
Einar Steingrímsson, Combinatorics on permutations and
words, IRF grant of excellence, 2009-2011
Henning Úlfarsson, Finding structure in sets of
permutations, IRF project grant, 2014-2016
Henning Úlfarsson, Combinatorial exploration with applications
to permutation patterns and other structures, RU Research Fund
PhD student grant, 2019-2020 (used for Émile Nadeau)
Tarmo Uustalu, Quantified computational effects and
interaction, IRF project grant, 2019-2021
project page
Ýmir Vigfússon, Detecting outbreaks with mobile phone data,
IRF project grant, 2015-2017
Last update 18 January 2025