Publications 2024

Here are our publications 2024.

  1. L. Aceto, A. Achilleos, E. Anastasiadi, A. Francalanza, D. Gorla, J. Wagemaker. Centralized vs decentralized monitors for hyperproperties. In R. Majumdar, A. Silva, eds., 35th Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2024 (Calgary, Sept. 2024), v. 311 of Leibniz Int. Proc. in Inform., pp. 4:1-4:19. Dagstuhl Publishing, 2024.
  2. L. Aceto, A. Achilleos, E. Anastasiadi, A. Francalanza, A. Ingólfsdóttir. Complexity results for modal logic with recursion via translations and tableaux.
    Log. Methods Comput. Sci., v. 20, n. 3, art. 14, 53 pp., 2024.
  3. L. Aceto, A. Achilleos, D. P. Attard, L. Exibard, A. Francalanza, A. Ingólfsdóttir. A monitoring tool for linear-time μHML.
    Sci. Comput. Program., v. 232, art. 103031, 7 pp., 2024.
  4. L. Aceto, D. P. Attard, A. Francalanza, A. Ingólfsdóttir. Runtime instrumentation for reactive components.
    In J. Aldrich, G. Salvaneschi, eds., 38th Europ. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2024 (Vienna, Sept. 2024), v. 313 of Leibniz Int. Proc. in Inform., pp. 2:1-2:33. Dagstuhl Publishing, 2024.
  5. L. Aceto, D. P. Attard, A. Francalanza, A. Ingólfsdóttir. Runtime instrumentation for reactive components (artifact).
    Dagstuhl Artifacts Ser., v. 10, n. 2, pp. 1:1-1:4, 2024.
  6. L. Aceto, D. Gorla, S. Lybech. A sound type system for secure currency flow.
    In J. Aldrich, G. Salvaneschi, eds., 38th Europ. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2024 (Vienna, Sept. 2024), v. 313 of Leibniz Int. Proc. in Inform., pp. 1:1-1:27. Dagstuhl Publishing, 2024.
  7. N. Arkor, D. McDermott. The formal theory of relative monads.
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra, v. 228, n. 9, art. 107676, 107 pp., 2024.
  8. N. Arkor, D. McDermott. The pullback theorem for relative monads.
    Theor. Appl. Categ., to appear.
  9. E. Bakali, A. Chalki, S. Kanellopoulos, A. Pagourtzis, S. Zachos. On the power of counting the total number of computation paths of NPTMs.
    In X. Chen, B. Li, eds., Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 18th Ann. Conf., TAMC 2024 (Hong Kong, May 2024), Proc., v. 14637 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 209-220. Springer, 2023.
  10. C. Bean, É. Nadeau, J. Pantone, H. Úlfarsson. Permutations avoiding bipartite partially ordered patterns have a regular insertion encoding.
    Electron. J. Comb., v. 31, n. 3, art. P3.3, 19 pp., 2024.
  11. A. Claesson, H. Úlfarsson. Turning cycle restrictions into mesh patterns via Foata's fundamental transformation.
    Discr. Math., v. 347, n. 3, art. 113826, 3 pp., 2024.
  12. M. Flin, M. Ghaffari, M. M. Halldórsson, F. Kuhn, A. Nolin. A distributed palette sparsification theorem.
    In Proc. of 2024 Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2024 (Alexandria, VA, Jan. 2024), pp. 4083-4123. SIAM, 2024.
  13. M. Flin, P. Mittal. (Δ+1)-vertex coloring in O(n) communication.
    In R. Gelles, D. Olivetti, P. Kuznetsov, eds., PODC '24: Proc. of 2024 ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing (Nantes, June 2024), pp. 416-424. ACM, 2024.
  14. A. F. Franklín, A. Claesson, C. Bean, H. Úlfarsson, J. Pantone. Restricted permutations enumerated by inversions.
    In S. Brlek, L. Ferrari, eds., Proc. of 13th Edition of Conf. on Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures, Polyominoes and Tilings, GASCom 2024 (Bordeaux, June 2024), v. 403 of Electron. Proc. in Theor. Comput. Sci., pp. 96-100. Open Publishing Assoc., 2024.
  15. S. Goncharov, T. Uustalu. A unifying categorical view of nondeterministic iteration and tests.
    In R. Majumdar, A. Silva, eds., 35th Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2024 (Calgary, Sept. 2024), v. 311 of Leibniz Int. Proc. in Inform., pp. 25:1-25:22. Dagstuhl Publishing, 2024.
  16. M. M. Halldórsson, D. Rawitz. Distributed fractional local ratio and independent set approximation.
    In Y. Emek, ed., Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 31st Int. Coll., SIROCCO 2024 (Vietri sul Mare, May 2014), Proc., v. 14662 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 281-299. Springer, 2004.
  17. M. M. Halldórsson, D. Rawitz. Online multiset submodular cover.
    Algorithmica, v. 86, n. 7, pp. 2393-2411, 2024.
  18. H. Hüttel, S. Lybech, A. R. Bendixen, B. B. Bojesen. A generic type system for higher-order Ψ-calculi.
    Inf. Comput., v. 300, art. 105190, 26 pp., 2024.
  19. S. Lybech. The reflective higher-order calculus: encodability, typability and separation.
    Inf. Comput., v. 297, art. 105138, 33 pp., 2024.
  20. D. McDermott, A. Mycroft. Galois connecting call-by-value and call-by-name.
    Log. Methods Comput. Sci., v. 20, n. 1, art. 13, 43 pp., 2024.
  21. D. Pous, J. Rot, J. Wagemaker. On tools for completeness of Kleene algebra with hypotheses.
    Log. Methods Comput. Sci., v. 20, n. 2, art. 8, 55 pp., 2024.
  22. E. Rivas, T. Uustalu. Concurrent monads for shared state.
    In Proc. of 26th Int. Symp. on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP '24 (Milan, Sept. 2024), ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Series, art. 19, 13 pp. ACM, 2024.

Publications 2023

Publications 2022

Publications 2021

Publications 2020

Publications 2019

Publications 2018

Publications 2017

Last update 27 September 2024