Logic Colloquium 2022


An overview of the talks is available here, and you can find the list of all abstracts there.

:30 ! Live

Morning Coffee

:50 ! Live


9:00 ! Live

On differential expansions of topological fields

Françoise Point

10:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Primitive recursive mathematics

Alexander Melnikov

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Do syntactic features supervene on semantic ones in foundations of mathematics? A few starting points

Juliette Kennedy

:30 ! Live

Lunch Break

14:00 ! Live

Model Theory - Kim’s lemmas and tree properties

Alex Kruckman

! Live

Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - Ackermann Function and Reverse Mathematics

Wei Wang


:30 ! Live

Model Theory - Tameness in positive logic

Jan Dobrowolski

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Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - The strength of versions of Mycielski’s Theorem

Denis Hirschfeldt


15:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Model Theory - Elimination of imaginaries in ℂ((tΓ))

Mariana Vicaria

! Live

Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - On the strength of some first-order problems corresponding to Ramseyan principles

Giovanni Soldà

:50 ! Live

Model Theory - Monadic dividing lines and hereditary classes

Sam Braunfeld

! Live

Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - A non speed-up result for the chain-antichain principle over a weak base theory

Katarzyna W. Kowalik

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Model Theory - Henselian discretely valued fields and existential AKE principles

Sylvy Anscombe


! Live

Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - The computability of the Artin-Rees Lemma and Krull Intersection Theorem

Chris Conidis

17:00 ! Live

Model Theory - The Elekes-Szabó problem for cubic surfaces

Tingxiang Zou

! Live

Reverse Mathematics and Combinatorial Principles - Recursive coloring without Δ30 witness for Hindman theorem

Yuke Liao

:30 ! Live

Welcome Reception

:30 ! Live

Morning Coffee

9:00 ! Live

Gödel Lecture - Formalism in Logic

Patricia Blanchette

10:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

The uniform Kruskal theorem: a bridge between finite combinatorics and abstract set existence

Anton Freund

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Abstract Lindenbaum lemma for non-finitary consequence relations.

Petr Cintula


! Live

Normalization for epsilon calculus.

Elio La Rosa


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Tennebaum’s Theorem for quotient presentations of nonstandard models of arithmetic

Michal Godziszewski


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Big Ramsey degrees of unconstrained ω-categorical structures.

Matej Konecny

:50 ! Live

Symmetry, locality and hyperintensionality

Maria Beatrice Buonaguidi

! Live

On an ecumenical natural deduction with stoup.

Elaine Pimentel


! Live

Two computational clusters in ordinary mathematics.

Sam Sanders


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On stable quotients.

Adrian Portillo


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Big Ramsey degrees and trees with sucessor operation.

Jan Hubicka

:10 ! Live

A class of implicative expansions of Belnap-Dunn logic in whose elements a Boolean negation is definable.

José M. Méndez


! Live

On extracting variable Herbrand disjunctions.

Andrei Sipos

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Weak and strong versions of effective transfinite recursion.

Patrick Uftring

! Live

Arithmetic via Carnap-categoricity.

Sebastian G.W. Speitel


! Live

Weakly Menger Ditopological Texture Spaces

Hafiz Ullah

:30 ! Live

Lunch Break

14:00 ! Live

Philosophy of Mathematics - Geometrizing Kripke modal semantics

Brice Halimi


! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - From interpolation to proofs

Bahareh Afshari

:30 ! Live

Philosophy of Mathematics - Hermann Weyl and the roots of mathematical logic

Laura Crosilla

! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - Noetherian Gödel Logics

David Fernandez-Duque

15:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Philosophy of Mathematics - Conceptions of absolute generality

Salvatore Florio

! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - The admissible extension of subsystems of second order arithmetic

Gerhard Jaeger


:50 ! Live

Philosophy of Mathematics - MOON theory: Mathematical Objects with Ontological Neutrality

Tim Button

! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - Isominimal realizations of patterns

Gunnar Wilken

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - The Π21-spectrum conjecture

Juan P. Aguilera

17:00 ! Live

Proof Theory and Ordinal Analysis - On the Constructive Constructible Universe

Richard Matthews

:30 ! Live

Morning Coffee

9:00 ! Live

Blurry HOD - a sketch of a landscape

Gunter Fuchs

10:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Complexity of equations solving – kith and kin

Paweł Idziak

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Set Theory - Some remarks on Namba-type forcings

Ben De Bondt

! Live

Computer Science Logic - Alternating (In)Dependence-Friendly Logic ‡

Fabio Mogavero


12:00 ! Live

Set Theory - P-measures in random extensions

Damian Sobota

! Live

Computer Science Logic - On the dynamics of cut-elimination for circular and non-wellfounded proofs

Alexis Saurin

:30 ! Live

Lunch Break

14:00 ! Live

Set Theory - Independence for uncountable cardinals

Diana Carolina Montoya

! Live

Computer Science Logic - Sequent calculi with restricted cuts for non-classical logics

Revantha Ramanayake

:30 ! Live

Set Theory - Making the diamond principle fail at an inaccessible cardinal

Jing Zhang

! Live

Computer Science Logic - Should Type Theory replace Set Theory as the Foundation of Mathematics?

Thorsten Altenkirch


15:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Set Theory - A stationary-tower-free proof of Sealing from a supercompact

Sandra Müller


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Computer Science Logic - Proofs, circuits, and total search problems

Susanna F. de Rezende

:50 ! Live

Set Theory - Club stationary reflection and consequences of square principles

Thomas Daniells Gilton

! Live

Computer Science Logic - On the Power of Symmetric Linear Programs

Joanna Ochremiak


:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Equivalence relations and learning of algebraic structures.

Vittorio Cipriani

! Live

Foundations of team semantics.

Fredrik Engstrom

! Live

Formalizing the Appendix of Kelley's General Topology in the Naproche Proof Checker.

Peter Koepke

! Live

On algebras of binary formulas for weakly circularly minimal theories.

Beibut Kulpeshov


! Live

Propositional identity. From semantics to proof theory.

Agata Tomczyk

:50 ! Live

A computability perspective on verified machine learning.

Tonicha Crook

! Live

Dimension in team semantics.

Jouko Väänänen

! Live

Unthreadability at aleph2.

Maxwell Levine


! Live

Automorphism invariant measures on some structures and on their automorphism groups.

Gabor Sagi

! Live

Meaning is Use - the Case of Propositional Identity.

Szymon Chlebowski

:10 ! Live

Effective Concept Classes of PAC and PACi Incomparable Degrees and Jump Structure.

Gihanee M. D. Senadheera


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The logic E-Mingle and its Routley-Meyer semantics.

Gemma Robles


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The phase transition for Harvey Friedman’s monotone Bolzano Weierstrass principle.

Andreas Weiermann

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The strong small index property for the Fraisse limit of finite Heyting algebras

Kentaro Yamamoto

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Methods of modelling linear time in hypersequent calculus.

Patrycja Kupś

19:00 ! Live


:30 ! Live

Morning Coffee

9:00 ! Live

Limits of applicability of Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem

Fedor Pakhomov

10:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Automating Resolution is NP-hard

Moritz Müller

:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Descriptive complexity for hard counting problems with easy decision versions

Aggeliki Chalki

! Live

Stability of generalized Johnson graphs

Bjarki Geir Benediktsson

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Hyperarithmetical Worm Battles

Konstantinos Papafilippou

! Live

Can propositions be intentions, intuitionistically?

Bruno Bentzen


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Frame definability in finitely-valued modal logic.

Guillermo Badia


:50 ! Live

Runtime monitoring for Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion over systems with data

Léo Exibard

! Live

Properties of lattices of existential formulas of Jonsson beautiful pairs.

Olga Ulbrikht


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Proof Theory of Skew Non-Commutative MILL.

Cheng-Syuan Wan

! Live

Almost negative truth and fixpoints in intuitionistic logic.

Mattias Granberg Olsson


! Live

Relational semantics for some classical relevance logics.

Katalin Bimbó

:10 ! Live

Gödel Temporal Logic

Brett McLean

! Live

Syntactic and semantic similarities of hybrids of classes of the Jonsson spectrum of Jonsson quasivariety of the class K.

Nazerke Mussina


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The reverse mathematical strength of hyperations.

Philipp Provenzano

! Live

Positive negation in constructive mathematics.

Iosif Petrakis


! Live

Decidability of modal definability problem on the class of quasilinear frames.

Tinko Tinchev

:30 ! Live

Lunch Break

14:00 ! Live

Tutorial - Computable reductions of equivalence relations

Luca San Mauro

:30 ! Live

Coffee Break

:50 ! Live

Tutorial - Algebra and Logic in the Complexity of Constraints

Libor Barto

:30 ! Live

Morning Coffee

9:00 ! Live

Games on classifiable C*-algebras

Andrea Vaccaro

10:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

On the actions of finite permutation groups on groups of finite Morley rank

Tuna Altinel


:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

Classification via effective lists

Karen Lange


:30 ! Live

Lunch Break

14:00 ! Live

Exponential sums equations and tropical geometry.

Francesco Gallinaro

! Live

Arbitrary Abstraction and Logicality.

Ludovica Conti


! Live

1-Complete first-order mereological theories

Hsing-Chien Tsai

! Live

Minimally n-valued maximally paraconsistent expansions of LP.

Alexej Pynko


:20 ! Live

Games and Scott sentences for positive distances between metric structures.

Joni Puljujarvi

! Live

Truth-theoretic determinacy revisited.

Pablo Dopico

! Live

Intermediate Goodstein principles.

Oriola Gjetaj

! Live

Paraconsistent extensions of three-valued logics.

Alexej Pynko


:40 ! Live

On theories of dense spherical orders.

Sergey Sudoplatov

! Live

Between the Model-Theoretic and the Axiomatic Method of Characterizing Mathematical Truth

Michal Godziszewski


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The structural complexity of models of arithmetic.

Dino Rossegger


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Extensions of paraconsistent three-valued chain logics.

Alexej Pynko


15:00 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:20 ! Live

Categorical representation of discrete dynamical systems computability

Mark Addis


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The relevance of the incompleteness theorems with Hilbert's concrete proof theory.

Yong Cheng


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Formalizing assignment of types to terms in NFU

Vedran Cacic

! Live

Proof complexity of monotone branching programs.

Avgerinos Delkos

:40 ! Live

Categoricity ordinals and models of Presburger arithmetic

Jason Block

! Live

Two halves of disjunctive correctness.

Cezary Cieśliński

! Live

Tarski's theorem about choice and the alternative axiomatic extension of NFU.

Tin Adlesic

! Live

Understanding trust assumptions for remote attestation via formal verification

Muhammad Usama Sardar

16:00 ! Live

The categoricity of complete theories in second-order logic.

Tapio Saarinen

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Reformulating supervaluational theory of truth.

Daichi Hayashi


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Compactness and Types in Logics of Dependence.

Davide Quadrellaro

! Live

Fully Certified Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Security Protocols

Bogdan Macovei


:20 ! Live

Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

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Coffee Break

:30 ! Live

More on Constructive Nonsense Logic

Hitoshi Omori


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Forcing without AC and the Axiom of Dependent Choice

Jonathan Schilhan


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Countable ranks at the first and second projective levels.

Philipp Schlicht


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Paraconsistent and paracomplete Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory

Hrafn Oddsson

:50 ! Live

Model-theoretical characterizations of truth

Mateusz Lelyk


! Live

Sequent Calculus for non-Fregean Boolean theory WB.

Agata Tomczyk

! Live

Applications of the open dihypergraph dichotomy for generalized Baire spaces.

Dorottya Sziraki


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Characterizing Cardinals by Lomega-sentences in an Absolute Way.

Ioannis Souldatos


:10 ! Live

Compositional proof-theoretic semantics for natural language.

Will Stafford


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Computability of finite simplicial complexes and homology

Amir Djamel Eddine


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What are magic sets?

Agnieszka Widz

Plenary Talk
Special Session
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