Logic Colloquium 2022

Plenary Talk

On the actions of finite permutation groups on groups of finite Morley rank

Tuna Altinel

On  Fri, 10:20 ! Livein  Main - M101for  60min
PDF Abstract

Ever since the work of Borovik and Cherlin on permutation groups of finite Morley rank ([4]), there has been growing interest in faithful actions finite groups on various types of groups of finite Morley rank. This interest is due to various motivations: classifying highly generically transitive actions on sets ([1]), highly generically transitive representations, definable actions of finite groups on groups of finite Morley rank, automorphisms of groups of finite Morley rank. In my talk, I will give an overview of these lines of research and detail a recent result joint with Joshua Wiscons on lower bounds in the case of faithful actions of the alternating group on a nonsolvable group of finite Morley rank that does not contain involutions.


Tuna Altinel and Joshua Wiscons, Recognizing PGL3 via generic 4-transitivity, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol. 20 (2018), no. 6, pp. 1525–1559.
Ayşe Berkman and Alexandre Borovik Groups of finite Morley rank with a generically sharply multiply transitive action, Journal of Algebra, vol. 368 (2012), no. X, pp. 237–250.
Ayşe Berkman and Alexandre Borovik Groups of finite Morley rank with a generically multiply transitive action on an abelian group, Arxiv, (2021), eprint 2107.09997.
Alexandre Borovik and Gregory Cherlin, Model theory with applications to algebra and analysis. Vol. 2, Model theory with applications to algebra and analysis. Vol. 2 (H. Dugald Macpherson, editors), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2008, pp. 30–50.
Luis Jaime Corredor and Adrien Deloro and Joshua Wiscons, Sym(n)- and Alt(n)-modules with an additive dimension, Arxiv, (2022), eprint 2111.11498.

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