Logic Colloquium 2022

Plenary Talk

Blurry HOD - a sketch of a landscape

Gunter Fuchs

On  Wed, 9:00 ! Livein  Main - M101for  60min
PDF Abstract

Classically, a set is ordinal definable if it is the unique object satisfying a formula with ordinal parameters. Generalizing this concept, given a cardinal κ, I call a set <κ-blurrily definable if it is one of less than κ many objects satisfying a formula with ordinal parameters (called a <κ-blurry definition). By considering the hereditary versions of this notion, one arrives at a hierarchy of inner models, one for each cardinal κ: the collection of all hereditarily <κ-blurrily ordinal definable sets, which I call <κ-HOD. In a ZFC-model, this hierarchy spans the entire spectrum from HOD to V.

The special cases κ=ω and κ=ω1 have been previously considered, but no systematic study of the general setting has been done, it seems. One main aspect of the study is the notion of a leap, that is, a cardinal at which a new object becomes hereditarily blurrily definable. The talk splits into two parts: first, the ZFC-provable properties of blurry HOD, which are surprisingly rich, and second, the effects of forcing on the structure of blurry HOD and the achievable leap constellations.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.

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