Logic Colloquium 2022

Plenary Talk

Complexity of equations solving – kith and kin

Paweł Idziak

On  Wed, 10:20 ! Livein  Main - M101for  60min
PDF Abstract

The talk is intended to present latest achievements in searching what structural algebraic conditions a finite algebra A has to satisfy in order to have a polynomial time algorithm that decides if an equation s( x1,…,xn) = t(x1,…,xn), where s, t are polynomials over A, has a solution in A.

Several connections to modular circuits CC0 of constant depth will be discussed.

Most of the results are obtained together with Piotr Kawaék, Jacek Krzaczkowski or Armin Weiß.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.

 Overview  Program

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