Logic Colloquium 2022

Special Session

Some remarks on Namba-type forcings

Ben De Bondt

On  Wed, 11:30 ! Livein  M208for  30min
PDF Abstract

For the purpose of this abstract, let “a Namba-type forcing” be any forcing that forces ω2 to get cofinality ω and doesn’t collapse ω1. It is well known that the existence of a semiproper Namba-type forcing is equivalent to a Strong Chang’s Conjecture, but that instead the existence of a stationary set preserving Namba-type forcing is provable in plain ZFC. However, in the context of questions on iterated-forcing-using-side-conditions, it is natural to ask whether one can demand more than mere stationary set preservation and get provably in ZFC a Namba-type forcing that allows many (but not necessarily club many) models for which there exist sufficient semi-generic conditions. In this talk I will discuss a “side-condition version” ℙ of Namba forcing and explain that there exists a very natural projective stationary family of countable elementary submodels of Hθ such that ℙ is semiproper with respect to these models. In fact, we can consider a notion of strong semiproperness, in analogy to the notion of strong properness and verify that ℙ satisfies it, again with respect to these distinguished models. As an application of this approach towards Namba forcing, we discuss a particularly natural presentation of an “ersatz iterated Namba forcing” which, given an increasing sequence (κα: α < γ) of regular cardinals ≥ ω2, adds for every α < γ a countable cofinal subset of κα, while at the same time preserving stationarity of stationary subsets of ω1. In the proof, we will make strong use of a technique involving labelled trees and games played on such trees that appears in [1]. Finally, we will mention closely related ongoing work and remaining questions.
This talk is based on joint work with my thesis supervisor Boban Veličković.


Matthew Foreman and Menachem Magidor, Mutually stationary sequences of sets and the non-saturation of the non-stationary ideal on Pκ(λ), Acta Mathematica, vol. 186 (2001), no. 2, pp. 271–300.
Saharon Shelah, Proper and Improper Forcing, Perspectives in Logic, vol. 5, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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