Logic Colloquium 2022

Special Session

Sequent calculi with restricted cuts for non-classical logics

Revantha Ramanayake

On  Wed, 14:00 ! Livein  M209for  30min
PDF Abstract

The primary motivation for cut-elimination is that it leads to a proof calculus with the subformula property. Such a proof calculus has a restricted proof search space and this is a powerful aid for investigating the properties of the logic. Unfortunately, many substructural and modal logics of interest lack a sequent calculus that supports cut-elimination. The overwhelming response since the 1960s has been to generalise the sequent calculus in a bid to regain cut-elimination. The price is that these generalised formalisms are more complicated to reason about and implement.

There is an alternative: remain with the sequent calculus by accepting weaker (but still meaningful) versions of the subformula property. We will discuss how cut-free hypersequent proofs can be transformed into sequent calculus proofs in a controlled way [1]. Combined with the quite general methodology [2] for transforming Hilbert axiomatic extensions into cut-free hypersequent calculi, this leads to an algorithm taking a Hilbert axiomatic extension to a sequent calculus with a weak subformula property.

Can we avoid this detour through the hypersequent calculus? This goes to the heart of a new programme called cut-restriction that aims to adapt Gentzen’s celebrated cut-elimination argument systematically so that cut-formulas are restricted (when elimination is not possible). We will present the early results in this programme: from arbitrary cuts to analytic cuts in the sequent calculi for bi-intuitionistic logic and S5 via a uniform cut-restriction argument (the results themselves are well-known).

Based on joint work with Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien) and Timo Lang (UCL).


Agata Ciabattoni and Timo Lang and Revantha Ramanayake, Bounded-analytic Sequent Calculi and Embeddings for Hypersequent Logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 86 (2021), no. 2, pp. 635–668.
A. Ciabattoni and N. Galatos and K. Terui, From axioms to analytic rules in nonclassical logics, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) Pittsburgh, PA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 229–240.

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 Overview  Program

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